Dr. Stambaugh's reading list

Dr. Stambaugh here! My husband, who is also a veterinarian, and I recently had a baby of the human variety! As a result, we have been showered with animal-themed children’s everything. Today, we are sharing our current dog-themed favorites from the bookshelf.

Walter the Farting Dog

by William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray, illustrated by Audrey Coleman

I love it when clients adopt older dogs from the shelter, but I also sympathize when the newly adopted pet comes with unforeseen medical problems. In this case, the poor dog comes with some excessive flatulence, and is nearly returned to the pound for his uncontrollable farting! Fortunately, his new family decides to keep him, and the reason why is hilarious.

Doggies: A Counting and Barking Book

by Sandra Boyton

This one’s probably meant for the younger crowd, but everyone enjoys barking, right? As you count to ten, pay attention to all of the different types of noises the dogs make—it’s definitely not just “bow wow” or “bark bark!” I especially appreciate  the worried-looking mutt (maybe a hound mix?) whimpering “nnn…nnn…” He probably thinks someone is about to take his temperature. Poor guy.

Sally Goes to the Vet

by Stephen Huneck

This story is really cute. Sally is a goofy black lab. She was cooped up inside all day, but when the rain stops she goes nuts chasing her friend Bingo the cat, and ends up whacking her head! She is rushed to the vet, where she gets to bypass a waiting room full of all sorts of exciting creatures (for the record, while Sally’s vet may see snakes and goldfish, we do not). She gets all patched up, and her vet gives her some sage advice regarding unpleasant situations. Best of all, her friend Bingo is really happy to see her home safe and sound.

Do you have any favorite animal-themed children's books? Share them in our comments below!