For your convenience, our in-house pharmacy stocks most of the medications we use and prescribe. This means we can usually send home your pet's medication at the same time as your visit, and you can call us for refills as well. For medications we do not stock, we may either order the medication or write you a prescription to take to a regular pharmacy. We can also order compounded medications, which can be made into a liquid for ease of administration, and flavored to your pet's preference.

For those patients whose medical needs require a specific food, we carry Hill's Prescription Diets. We have small quantities of these products so patients can try the new food right away, and we place orders for ongoing needs each week. Our food orders are placed on Thursday, and they are generally delivered by Friday afternoon. If your pet requires one of these diets, please call us to place your order by Wednesday evening, and allow enough time for the food to arrive before you run out. For pets that prefer one of the foods from a different line of veterinary diets, we are happy to write you a prescription.