Microchips: Get Your Furry Friends Back Home!

At Animal Hospital, we think microchipping your cat or dog is so important. A microchip is a permanent for of identification for your pet, unlike a collar or tag that can be lost or removed, and is the most reliable way to reunite a los pet with their owner. Each chip has a unique number and can be found with a microchip scanner, and then the owner’s contact information can be found through the registration.\

Placing the microchip can be done at our hospital. A needle is used to insert the chip under the skin and is placed on the back in between the shoulder blades. If you have recently acquired a puppy or kitten, we recommend implanting the microchip while they are under anesthesia for their spay or neuter surgery, but the procedure can be done when pets are awake as well.  

Many pets end up in the shelter each year that do not have a microchip, or have a microchip that is not registered. If the microchip is not registered with the current contact information of the owners, the pet might as well not have a chip at all! At Animal hospital in Fairfield we take care of initially registering the chip for you, but it is important that you update the registration any time you change your address or phone number. We also keep a record of our patients’ microchip numbers in our computer system, and we can scan your pet to find their number even if we did not place the chip.

If you have any questions about microchips, or want to make an appointment to have your pet microchipped, we are happy to assist! Call us today so we can help make sure your special family members have the best chance of being returned to you, should you be separated.