National Train Your Dog Month (January 2016)

Did anyone add a new pet to the family this holiday season? If so, all of the staff at Animal Hospital in Fairfield we would love to meet them.

January was chosen as National Train Your Dog Month because dogs and puppies are commonly purchased or adopted during the holidays. Sometimes, it can be hard to know if you've made the right decision by taking on a rambunctious puppy. Proper training can be the key to a wonderful relationship between you and your pet. This can also decrease the chances of puppies needing to be re-homed for behavioral issues. Along with your personal New Years resolution, let us help you make a resolution to also learn something new about training your puppy. Knowing where to start can be the trickiest part of the process. Please call us so that we can provide you with a current list of recommended trainers.

Pros to training:

- Strengthens you and your pet's bond and reinforces confidence that you are their leader.
- Decreases behavioral/anxiety issues such as chewing, barking, and potty training.
- Adds a safety factor to your training process avoiding fear and consistent obedience.

Animal Hospital in Fairfield also offers convenient Puppy Packages that include free exam fees for 6 months. This gives you the opportunity to bring your fur baby in, even when something might not necessarily be wrong. When your pet has positive visits at the hospital full of cuddles and perhaps some treats, they are less likely to grow fearful of the environment.